1·After learning about Li's life, I have learned to find the beauty in my daily life and to show filial piety to my parents and grandparents.
2·There are many stories which show filial respect in ancient China.
3·Show filial piety to parents right now; don't wait until they die.
4·He scolded his employee in his company and didn't show filial piety to his parents back home.
5·It is right to show filial piety; it is wrong to countenance yourparents'destructive mistakes.
6·So I decided to write a script calling for all people, especially young people, to show more filial piety to their parents.
7·Participants typically engage in ritual ancestor worship in the morning. In tending to the graves of the departed, they offer up food and drink in a show of filial respect.
8·So I decided to write a script calling for all people especially young people to show more filial piety to their parents.
9·Although mother's day is now a very commercial holiday, we should remember that the best present for our mother is to show our gratefulness and filial piety.